Small Loan Of A Million Dollars Meme

Autor: Brian 4-09-21 Views: 1627 Comments: 267 category: Advices

21/11/2015 · "A Small Loan of a Million Dollars" is a statement uttered by 2016 Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump during a live television segment in which he confessed that his father loaned him one million dollars to start his real estate business. After being posted online in late October 2015, the statement was widely mocked online for being delusional and out of Loan of a million dollars Meme Generator The Fastest Meme Generator on the Planet. Easily add text to images or Small Loan of a Million Dollars. Images. Like us on Facebook! “A Small Loan of a Million Dollars” is a statement uttered by 2016 Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump during a live television segment in which he confessed that his father loaned him one million dollars …Help Teh Meme Wiki by making it bigger. "A Small Loan Of A Million , was a phrase uttered by Donald Trump in an interview. He was speaking about how he started his enterprises, and said "When I arrived in Brooklyn, my father gave me a small loan of A Million ;. The phrase is absolutely ridiculous as One Million Dollars is not a Small Loan Of A Million Dollars - An audio clip from MEME Sounds ;· This is a remix video compilation of Donald Trump saying "A small loan of a million dollars". LolG2A - Buy The Best Games At Low Prices Small Loan Of A Million Memes. by jake_the_dawg - A Member of the Internet's Largest Humor CommunityThis is because a million dollars IS a lot of money and no average American has access to that much capital to start a career. So now "A small loan of one million dollars" can be used as a meme to make fun of how widely out of touch Trump is to the average American plight. Edit: words and small loan of one million dollars. 'Are currently working'. That doesnt rule out the possibility that they could have worked for x amount of years to make their millions. My grandpa has a few million and he is 81 and still works every day. He just saves his money and works hard as ;· How i get the achievment A small loan of a million dollars? please help < > Showing 1-3 of 3 comments =quiEtschEEntchEn=[GER] Jul 18, 2017 @ 4:23am How about earning 1 million dollar? #1. Jul 18, 2017 @ 4:52am Originally posted by =quiEtschEEntchEn=GER: How about earning 1 million dollar…

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