Sallie Mae Residency Relocation Loan Reddit

Autor: Brian 3-09-21 Views: 3059 Comments: 179 category: Reviews

Medical Residency and Relocation Loan | Sallie MaeMedical Residency and Relocation Loan | Sallie MaeMedical Residency and Relocation Loan | Sallie MaeMedical Residency and Relocation Loan | Sallie MaeI plan to take out a residency relocation loan and have some questions for anyone who's worked with Sallie Mae. I'm being offered an fixed interest rate on a $30K loan w/ a cosigner in the mid-700's. When I talked to customer service (who did not seem super sharp), she said that this is the rate offered to everyone who applies for this Relocation Loan. Can anyone explain to me how these work? I'm talking about the private loans from like Citi and Sallie Mae. Is there some catch? What's repayment like? 6 comments. share. save. hide. report. 100% Upvoted. This thread is archived. New comments cannot be …Benefit from these Medical Residency and Relocation Loan features. Borrow up to $30,000; the money is sent directly to you. Lower your total loan cost—get a percentage point interest rate reduction when you enroll in and make monthly payments by auto debit. 3. Pay no origination fee or penalty for paying off your loan before its due date. from these Global Health Residency and Relocation Loan features. Borrow up to $30,000; the money is sent directly to you. Lower your total loan cost—get a percentage point interest rate reduction when you enroll in and make monthly payments by auto debit. 3. Pay no origination fee or penalty for paying off your loan before its Sallie Mae Residency and Relocation Loan® Program The examples use the same assumptions as the APR examples. You may prepay your loan at any time to reduce the Total Loan Cost. Sallie Mae Residency and Relocation Loans are made by Sallie Mae Bank or a lender Partner. Sallie Mae has helped more than 34 million Americans pay for 02/06/2019 · I plan on hopefully using the relocation loan to pay off credit card debit accumulated over interview season/away's and the rest to transition smoothly from medschool to residency. Laurel road for instance requires a match letter but I'd prefer to get the money asap to start getting finances in order. Any help appreciated. Reactions: 1 user.
