Taking a loan from his/her Deferred Compensation Plan account can greatly impact ones future account balance. Therefore, a participant should consider other ways to cover unexpected expenses. The minimum loan amount available from either the 457 or the 401(k) Plan is $2,500. The Maximum Loan Amount a participant may obtain is the lesser of: Deferred Compensation Plan's client service walk-in center remains closed to visitors. You can contact a Plan representative at (212) 306-7760. Please submit your documents as follows: 1) EMAIL THE PLAN: Inquiries and questions should be sent via email to the Plan. 2) SEND FORMS/DOCUMENTS: Forms and Documents should be sent to NEWYRK@ may be, depending on your situation. The Plan offers you an opportunity to defer the payment of Federal and New York State income taxes on your Plan account until as late as April 1 of the year following the year you reach age 72 or as long as you’re still working for the State or a participating local government employer, whichever is New York City Deferred Compensation Plan has two programs, the 457 plan and 401(k) plan. You can choose to sign up for either the 457 or 401(k) plan, or both if eligible. As a City employee, you may also choose to invest in the NYCE IRA, which is an individual retirement account with no sales charges and low investment management Plan’s automated telephone voice response system at (212) 306-7760, or through the Plan’s Web site at nyc. gov/deferredcomp. This may help alleviate any fi nancial burden you are experiencing. You may reinstate your Deferred Compensation contributions at any time either through KeyTalk® or through the Web of New York DeferreD CompeNsatioN plaNThe Deferred Compensation Plan - - Welcome to | City of New YorkThe Deferred Compensation Plan - New York State Deferred Compensation Plan is a State-sponsored employee benefit for State employees and employees of participating employers. Our Mission: A voluntary retirement savings plan that provides quality investment options, investment educational programs and related services to help State and local public employees achieve their retirement savings ;· The NYC Deferred Compensation Plan (NYCDCP) really needs to update their distribution form, distribution guide, website, etc. As a result of the SECURE Act, active 457(b) and 401(a) participants who are 59 ½ years of age or older are permitted to take withdrawals. In other words, an active NYC …