19/10/2018 · Usually, most area medical loan closets establish a partnership with local medical providers to inform them about the services available at the medical loan closet. Ask your primary care provider for more information about available medical lending closets that may be able to assist you with your specific medical equipment Lending Closet. The “Comfort Aids” organization lends medical equipment such as walkers, wheelchairs, commodes, canes and shower chairs at no cost to Town of Brookhaven residents. Supplies are limited and distributed on a first-come first-served basis. Donations are …Lending Closets Lending Closets rely on medical equipment donations, so equipment availability constantly changes. Please call first for availability and the donations they accept. The Equipment Available column is a guide, not a guarantee, of items being available or accepted. The length of a loan can be on a case-by-case Closed. Sunday Closed. The Medical Lending Closet is located in the lower level of the church. Please call ahead so we can make sure we have the item you need. An appointment is not required. The Lending Closet office number is 847-823-3164, extension 20. Picking up equipment: Park in the Church parking lot just south of the Pilsen Social Health Initiative at 1850 South Throop in Chicago This organization was started by Dr. Figueroa and Dr. Wu. They have a large supply of donated rolling walkers, bathroom equipment, canes and a few wheelchairs. contact: pilsenshi@ See also the Lending Closet …Find a Medical Loan Closet - Find Medical EquipmentFind a Medical Loan Closet - Find Medical EquipmentMedical Lending Closet — Grace Episcopal ChurchListing: Medical Lending Closet Directory | Shirley Ryan Most people who utilize our Lending Closet either do not have insurance, or have plans that only partially cover such equipment. Our volunteers manage the Medical Lending Closet. We do not charge anything for the loan of the medical equipment; however there may be a small deposit required for certain motorized items to ensure they are returned Here are a few ways to find a medical loan closet near you. Medical equipment loan closets are not available in every community so you may have to travel to the nearest location. You will need transportation to pick up your medical equipment or supplies. You can decide whether to buy medical equipment or… Read More Read More