23/02/2011 · Given below are various types of retail loans which are given by the banks – Housing Loans – Most individuals take housing loans and when it comes to retail loans, housing loans is right there at the top. Banks give housing loans to individuals so that can buy apartment or construct new house if they already have the loan structures generally fall into one of two types: closed-end installment across maturities, and from interest-related embedded options in bank products. The level of interest rate risk depends on the composition of the bank’s loan portfolio and the degree to which loan terms …Get retail loan for small retail shop, retail store business loan, for home loan, corp retail, etc. via self banking online bank application at and Functions of Retail Banking (Consumer Banking) in India2. Retail Lending – An OverviewTypes of Retail Loans - LetsLearnFinanceRetail banking - SlideShare15/07/2013 · The typical products offered in the Indian retail banking segment are housing loans, consumption loans for purchase of durables, auto loans, credit cards and educational loans. The loans are marketed under attractive brand names to differentiate the products offered by different ;· Loans in India through retail banks include home loans, auto loans for new/used vehicles, consumer loans, education loans, crop loans to farmers, business loans for small scale businesses. Apart from the above mentioned features of retail banking, banks allow their clients to avail safe deposit lockers for safekeeping of their valuables at annual ;· 4. The unbundling and ‘rebundling’ of retail banking. The tight one-on-one retail-banking relationships of old are unbundling. Forty percent of US households today hold a deposit account with more than one institution. It is common to have a mortgage with one bank, an unsecured loan with a different lender, and separate deposit and investment ;· Retail banking sector has been the main growth driver for Indian banking sector during the past few years, as banks’ exposure to corporate banking sector has been reduced due to bad loans problems. Their retail lending has grown at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of over the FY2013 to FY2018 period, making India's retail banking one of the biggest among emerging markets.