Loan Loss Provision And Bank Profitability

Autor: Brian 2-09-21 Views: 4910 Comments: 217 category: News

My results described the loan loss provision as an important factor in affecting profitability of banks in ideal condition, a well establish bank is supposed to be having less loan loss ;· My results described the loan loss provision as an important factor in affecting profitability of banks in ideal condition, a well establish bank is supposed to be having less loan loss provision While the impact of loan loss provision on the profitability of banks has been examined by prior research, this study is the first to examine this relationship using Jordanian data. By examining a Jordanian sample of 13 banks that listed on Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) over the period 2004-2014, this study provides the first evidence that loan Keywords: commercial bank, loan loss provision, profitability, Amman stock exchange 1. Introduction Commercial banks play an important role in the economic development and growth, due to their contribution to the financial system through providing financial facilities to all economic enterprises and individuals. In addition,the bank will be in a better position to withstand default on loans, and therefore has a better credit policy (Sam and Simon, 2005). A common practice among financial institutions engaged in lending is to provision against expected losses. The provision of loan losses reserves is a mechanism used by(PDF) Impact of Loan Loss Provision on Bank Profitability Bank loan loss provisions research: A review - ScienceDirect(PDF) Impact of Loan Loss Provision on Bank Profitability Bank loan loss provisions research: A review - ScienceDirectMy results described the loan loss provision as an important factor in affecting profitability of banks in ideal condition, a well establish bank is supposed to be having less loan loss provision and higher profitability moreover bank deposits and its advances also play a vital role in the stability and profitability of banks.
