To calculate the periodic interest rate for a loan, given the loan amount, the number of payment periods, and the payment amount, you can use the RATE function. In the example shown, the formula in C10 is: = RATE(C7, C6, - C5) 12To calculate the total interest for a loan in a given year, you can use the CUMIPMT function. In the example shown, the total interest paid in year 1 is calculated by using 1 for start period and 12 for end period. The The formula in F5 is: = CUMIPMT(5 % 12,60,30000,1,12,0)Select the cell you will place the calculated result in, type the formula =CUMIPMT (B2/12,B3 12,B1,B4,B5,1), and press the Enter key. See screenshot: Note: In the formula, B2 is the annual loan interest rate, B2/12 will get the monthly rate; B3 is the years of the loan, B3 12 will get the total number of periods (months) during the loan; B1 is the In the example illustrated below, the operation syntax inserted into the formula bar of cell B6 is thus-=PMT (B3/12,B2,-B1) This calculates the monthly payment with interest for the loan. Figure 2. of Excel PMT Function. Loans consist of 4 basic parts. The Loan amount, Rate of Interest, the loan duration (number of regular payments), and an Excel formula: Calculate interest rate for loanInterest Formula | Calculator (Examples with Excel Template)IPMT Function - Interest Portion of a Loan Payment in Excel11/11/2020 · The fourth column is the interest, for which we use the formula to calculate the principal repaid on our monthly amount to discover how much interest is to be paid: =-INTPER(TP;A18;$B$4 12;$B$3 The rate argument is the interest rate per period for the loan. For example, in this formula the 17% annual interest rate is divided by 12, the number of months in a year. The NPER argument of 2 12 is the total number of payment periods for the loan. The PV or present value argument is ;· Loan balance at time Period: =Loan-Pmt CalcPds. The remaining loan balance is equal to the beginning Loan amount minus the cumulative principal paid. Cumulative interest paid at time CalcPds: =PdRate (Period Loan – ((Period^2-Period)/2) PrinPmt) Until the final formula above, the term-loan calculations were easy.
Tags: Calculate interest on loan formula excel, Calculate interest rate on loan formula excel, Calculating interest on loan in excel, Interest calculation on loan in excel, Interest only loan formula excel, Interest rate loan formula excel, Simple interest loan formula excel, Compound interest loan formula excel,