Instant loan online in India usually start from Rs. 10,000. If it’s a payday loan, you can repay it all at once in the next month when you receive your salary. In the more common case, you repay the loan through EMIs. By spreading your costs over time, you also continue to have good liquidity throughout the Criteria for Instant Cash Loans If you meet the eligibility criteria given below, you can easily avail a cash loan by phone in India from Money View - Applicants must be between 21 years and 57 years Applicants must receive an income of Rs. 13,500 or more 16/10/2019 · There are best instant loan apps in India, which can make your personal loan process a lot easier and convenient. You can apply online with the requisite scanned documents, and the loan amount can be delivered to your doorstep or credited to your bank account, depending on your convenience. Try These Best Loan Apps to Get an Instant Cash Loan in India: 1. MoneyTapTake instant loans whenever you need, 24x7; No repeat applications, just one-time approval needed; Borrow as low as ₹3,000 or as high as ₹5 Lakh; Get rewards-packed credit card for online…Badabro provide Instant Personal Loan Apps in India. borrow money online instantly. Our personal loan helps to meet all your financial needs at low-interest Best Instant Personal Loan Apps in India - June 2021 | MoneyTapInstant Loans Online Get instant cash loans online Small Cash Loan - Get a small loan upto Rs. 50,000 in 2 Hrs22 Best Instant Personal Loan Apps in India - June 2021 | MoneyTap11/08/2020 · Money View. It offers instant online personal loans to Indian borrowers, and their loan process is entirely paperless. People with low credits can also get a loan through this app as the credit model the app follows is completely different from the conventional method. The applicant should be a minimum of 21 years and a maximum of 57 ;· They are one of the few online companies that disburse loans instantaneously and this facility is convenient for those who are facing an emergency requirement of money. India Lends The interest rates at India Lends are more affordable than Rupee Lend and start from as low as per annum, but the company takes at least 2 days to process your loan application.