Consumer Loans Перевод

Autor: Brian 1-09-21 Views: 4906 Comments: 123 category: Reviews

The Greek bank branches will offer consumer loans and provide Turkish and Greek businessmen with various facilities in exports and imports, a statement said Filijale u Grčkoj nudiće postrošačke kredite i obezbediti turskim i grčkim poslovnim ljudima različite olakšice na polju uvoza i izvoza, navodi se u saopš in context of "consumer loan" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: You can issue a consumer loan in cash, loans for the purchase of a car or a mortgage. Translation Spell check Synonyms Conjugation. More. Conjugation Documents Grammar Dictionary Expressio. Reverso for in context of "customer loans" in English-French from Reverso Context: At 919 million euros or 54 basis points of outstanding customer loans, the Group's cost of risk continued its decline in an improved global economic loan translation french, English - French dictionary, meaning, see also 'consumer choice',consumer confidence',consumer durables',consumer goods', example of use, definition, conjugation, Reverso dictionaryconsumer loan definition, meaning, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'consumer durable',consumer goods',consume',consumerism', Reverso dictionary, English Google's free service instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other , credit quality also depends on the type of loan, normally with consumer loans being riskier than mortgage (or other collateralised) loans. Végül a hitelminő s ég a hitel típu sá tól is függ, hiszen a fogyasztói hitel k ockázatosabb, mint a jelzáloghitel vagy valamilyen egyéb fedezett hitelfajta.потребительский кредитMany translated example sentences containing "Privatkredit consumer loan" – German-English dictionary and search engine for German перевод на If we had the loans and grants that are sent to Israel, we wouldn't be losing our farms, which is the backbone of this country. İsrail'e akıttığımız kredi ve hibelerle ülkemizin bel …

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