The Difference Between a Commercial & a Consumer Loan Commercial Loans vs. Consumer Loans - What’s the The Difference Between a Commercial & a Consumer Loan 11/2/2018 · The main differentiating factor that separates consumer loans from commercial loans is the scope of the loan itself. Most consumer loans aren’t designed for large purchases—you probably wouldn’t buy a yacht with your personal credit card. Consumer loans require an extensive process to obtain. A lender will want to know that their loan is well-handled, and that they’ll make a profit on it. …9/26/2017 · Difference Between a Buyer and a Consumer. Learn More →. describes a consumer loan as money loaned to a person, while a commercial loan is loaned to a business. Consumer loans are regulated by the government, according to consumer protection loan advertising and documentation must include not only the interest rate but also the Annualised Percentage Rate (APR) which takes into account all the upfront and ongoing fees so the borrower can make a fair comparison between loans. Commercial loan advertising and documentation don't need to include the interest rate or ;· The loan application package may be resubmitted to the loan committee for final approval; Sign the finalized loan documents if and when the loan is approved. While these are the overarching differences between the consumer mortgage and commercial real estate loan processes, it …Consumer Loan vs. Commercial Loan; Consumer Loan vs. Commercial Loan. Manager at a bank ($ USA) I have a customer who would like a HELOC to pay off a business debt. The home and the loan are in the customer's personal name. The purpose of HELOC is to pay off business debt. While I know HELOC's may be used to pay off debt, start a business, ;· Commercial vs Consumer Qualified Loan Answered by: John Burnett. Question: A loan comes to loan operations with the borrower being a trust. The purpose of the loan is to purchase 1-4 family dwelling for the trustee of the trust. Would this be a commercial or consumer qualified loan …A consumer loan is also referred to, as noted above, “a residential mortgage , The burden of proof is on the lender and broker to establish a commercial-business purpose loan and, thus avoid the extensive body of Federal and State regulations which are intended to protect borrowers in consumer loan transactions and to limit the loan