Consumer Loan Meaning

Autor: Brian 18-02-21 Views: 2294 Comments: 187 category: News

What does CONSUMER LOAN mean? - definitionsConsumer Loan Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, is a Consumer Durable Loan? - CreditMantriNoun 1. consumer loan - a loan that establishes consumer credit that is granted for personal use; usually unsecured and based on the borrower's +loanconsumer loan definition: a loan made by a bank, etc. to an individual person rather than to a business: Learn ;· A consumer loan is any loan or line of credit a consumer receives from a creditor. Common consumer loans are home mortgages, auto loans, credit cards, personal loans, student loans, home equity, and HELOC loans. Rate Search: Check Today’s Mortgage Rates. Types of Consumer Loans Home Mortgage. A mortgage is a loan used to purchase a does consumer-loan mean? See loan. Dictionary ! Menu. Dictionary Thesaurus Examples Consumer-loan meaning. Filters See loan. 0. 0. Advertisement Also Mentioned In. revolving line of credit; annual percentage rate; col·lat·er·al

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