A payday loan, also called a small amount loan, lets you borrow up to $2,000. You have between 16 days and one year to pay it back. While it might look like a quick fix, a payday loan has a lot of fees. For example, to pay back a $2,000 payday loan over one year, your total repayments will be about $3,360. That's $1,360 more than you offer personal loans from $200 – $2,000. Repayments are withdrawn from your account via Direct Debit on the day that you are paid, either weekly, fortnightly, or on a specific date of the month. The application process is simple and can take a few Payday loan, otherwise known as a quick cash loan, is designed to cover a short period of time. NextPayday offers quick cash loans starting from $200 to $1600. In some instances the repayments can be extended up to a six week period, however, most of our loans are over a one month repayment accordance with Australian Federal Government rules and regulations, as stated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, NextPayDay is required to provide all our customers and prospective borrowers information on other borrowing options available within Australia. When considering to get a payday loan, otherwise known as a quick cash loan, think of whether you can …Applying for a payday loan in Australia is as easy as getting online. You can use your phone, tablet or computer to submit documents and fill out the form – even to sign the lender agreement digitally once you’re approved; Getting your payday loan cash is fast. Your lender will ask you to nominate a bank account when you Loans in Australia: Online Approval | NimbleNext Payday Loans | Online Payday Loan Lenders | NextPaydayNext Payday Loans | Online Payday Loan Lenders | NextPaydayFast Cash Loans up to $2,000 Approved Online | MyCashOnlineFast approval same day cash loans from Australia's #1 payday loan lender. Only 5 minutes to apply for up to $2,000. Apply now and get your fast loan #039;s Payday Loan Online: Servicing All of Australia When you need fast cash, visit Nimble right away for an easy online application process and a quick decision. Our online loan options are for everyone in Australia, so whether you're looking for payday loans in Sydney or payday loans in Perth, or even an online pensioner payday loan, all you need is an Internet connection to reach out to Nimble.