Small business loans If you’re an existing small business loan customer you can repay all or part of your business loan any time. Early repayment charges may apply. To find out more call us on 0800 313 4481. Lines are open 8am-6pm Monday to ;· Application: You need a Santander business current account to apply. Fees: There are no arrangement fees but early repayment charges may apply. Eligibility: Santander will look closely at your company's credit history and they'll conduct all necessary credit checks on the directors, owners or partners of the business. If you've been a director of a failed business within the last 6 years you won't be loans above £50k. Please email the Commercial Direct team, including your account number and the amount you would like to borrow, to discuss your requirements commercialdirect@ For loans of up to £50k. You may wish to consider a government-backed Bounce Back ;· How do I apply for a Santander business loan? You can contact Santander to apply for business loan online, at a branch, or over the phone. What documents are needed for a Santander business loan? You’ll need to provide details of when your business started trading and in some cases three years’ trading ;· Go to Santander Bank's website. Click on Business in the top navigation bar. Hover over Borrowing in the main navigation bar and select the type of business loan you'd like to apply for. Hit Get in Business Loans | Fleximize - FleximizeSantander Business Loans | Fleximize - FleximizeBusiness Borrowing | Finance Options For SMEs | Santander UKSantander business loans review 2021 | Finder UK15/07/2021 · If you would like to get a Santander business loan, you can apply online, by appointment in a branch or alternatively by calling the lending team. The Santander business loans contact number is 0800 313 4481. You may need to provide proof of the following: Limited company number; 6 most recent VAT returns and 12 months of bank statementsApply for a loan online from Santander. Make your plans a reality and overpay at no extra cost. Find out more at Business Loan. Our Unsecured Business Loan is the perfect choice if you're looking for help to grow your business, expand your premises or start another business project. You can plan your monthly repayments so that it's affordable because the rate and term are fixed. Santander Business …